With only 15 games completed this past week there wasn't as much opportunity to make moves, but moves were in fact made. Adam and I split our two disputed games and we each took four of five disputed from Joe. That provided a reversal of fortunes from Week 16 as Adam has leapfrogged Joe, while I managed to jump back into first place. But my grasp is tenuous at best, as the top four in our group are all separated by a game apiece going into the pivotal Week 18.
You can view how we've picked in relation to each other here, and Adam's tracking of home/road favorite/underdog plus timeslot breakdowns here. We seem to have settled in around 44 percent on consensus picks and as a group we are 48-33 on hero picks. The general numbers seem to favor the bold. (Well, unless you're me, with a group-low 5-7 mark in hero picks).
And so as we go into the final gauntlet (barring a resumption of the Week 17 Monday Night game), Adam and I disagree on six games, Joe and I on four, and Adam and Joe on four games out of 16. Let's get to it!